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Thomas Ardito


July 28, 2023

Why Push-Ups Are a Must-Have Exercise for Busy Young Parents

As a busy young parent with a desk job, finding time to exercise can be challenging. Push-ups are a highly effective exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime, and offer numerous benefits that can help improve your overall fitness and health, even with a busy schedule.

Push-ups are a compound exercise that work multiple muscle groups in the upper body, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. By incorporating push-ups into your fitness routine, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Improved upper body strength: Push-ups are a great exercise for strengthening your upper body muscles, including your chest, shoulders, and triceps, which can help you better handle the physical demands of parenthood and desk work.

  1. Increased muscle mass: The resistance provided by push-ups can help stimulate muscle growth and increase overall muscle mass, which can help improve your overall fitness and strength.

  1. Improved posture: Push-ups can help strengthen your core muscles, which can help improve your posture and reduce the risk of back pain, especially if you're sitting at a desk for long periods.

  1. Boosted metabolism: Push-ups can help increase your metabolism, which can aid in weight loss and fat burning, even when you're short on time.

  1. Increased functional strength: Push-ups can help improve your overall functional strength, which can help you with everyday tasks and activities, from carrying groceries to playing with your kids.

To make push-ups more fun and engaging, try incorporating different variations, such as incline push-ups, decline push-ups, or diamond push-ups. You can also track your progress and set goals to see quick progression, such as increasing the number of reps you can do or reducing the rest time between sets.

Working with a personal trainer through hybrid personal training can also help ensure that you're performing push-ups safely and effectively, even with a busy schedule. Hybrid personal training combines the best of 1-on-1 personal training and group classes, providing you with the necessary attention from a personal trainer while also making it more engaging and affordable than 1-on-1 training.

At Brooklyn Fitness, our experienced personal trainers can create customized training plans based on your individual needs and goals, and monitor your progress to ensure that you're on track to achieving your fitness goals. Our hybrid personal training sessions are designed to be fun, engaging, and effective, providing you with a well-rounded fitness experience that can help you reach your goals, even with a busy schedule.

In summary, push-ups are a must-have exercise that can provide numerous benefits for busy young parents with desk jobs, including improved upper body strength, increased muscle mass, improved posture, boosted metabolism, and increased functional strength. 

By incorporating different variations and tracking your progress, push-ups can also be fun and lead to quick progression. Consider incorporating push-ups into your fitness routine and working with a personal trainer through hybrid personal training to get the guidance and support you need to achieve your fitness goals. 

At Brooklyn Fitness, we're dedicated to helping our members take their fitness to the next level, even with busy lives. Schedule an intro call with this link to start reaping the benefits of hybrid personal training.

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